“There is no better designer than nature”

It was British fashion design icon Alexander McQueen who came out with the quote, “There is no better designer than nature”. APM Design certainly believe this quote to be true and take nature as a source of design inspiration.

Natural design elements have for a while now been seen as ‘on trend’, we have a number of Clients who want to follow what is in vogue without perhaps realising the significant benefits of drawing inspiration from nature when it comes to their Interior Design brief.

Be inspired by Nature

Natural shapes and forms can take inspiration from trees and plants found in that area and give us a feeling of safety as though being in a den or nest. Organic curves as opposed to regimented straight lines give a calming and loving feel to a décor. Natural products such as timber and stone will give an established sensation and will give the owners comfort from having a product that will stand the test of time. The benefits of timber in particular is that it will affect each of our senses, whilst the colour and textures give a life and depth that man-made alternatives can only seek to imitate.

Surrounding ourselves in nature is scientifically proven to relax people, clever design can mimic this effect through the skilful selection of colours. Natural colour tones such as terracotta’s and caramels will create a sense of calm and comfort, whilst soft blues can give a space tranquillity.

Lighting is another crucial element to consider. Artists and photographers love what is known as ‘the golden hour’ when the rising or setting sun floods nature with soft warming light. Effective lighting design is not about making sure a space is illuminated, it should be concerned with giving the correct amount of light. APM look to introduce lighting only where appropriate to create cosy environments, depth and atmosphere. Elsewhere we look to capitalise on natural daylight which is scientifically proven to reduce stress levels.

Aim for Hygge

A natural colour palette combined with locally sourced materials and warm lighting with go a long way to creating a comforting décor. The Scandinavians have a word…hygge. Whilst there is no direct translation for this word it is generally described as the need to create a mood of cosiness. Hygge is a serious consideration for the Scandinavians and it should be no surprise that their countries are frequently voted the best places to live with the happiest residents. Creating a space which draws inspiration from the outside environment goes a long way to creating hygge.

By creating a hygge interior, the end users will have a much greater bond with the space. This in term will make them happier which will lead to more motivated staff who want to be a part of that setting and consequently a much better guest experience. By making people feel happy and cosy we give them the confidence to excel and treat others with warmth.

Interestingly, whilst the quest for hygge might be increasingly popular, making decisions based on short term trends and fashions is very much at odds to the principals of hygge.  APM encourage our Clients to take a long terms view when it comes to design decisions, what has worked elsewhere, might not be appropriate in their building. APM love working with Clients who take pride in their community and together find a way of celebrating the unique feature of their environment through interior design.

Environmental Benefits

Whilst there are undeniable fashion and emotional benefits of taking inspiration from nature when designing a space, the sustainability implications are another huge benefit.

As part of APM Design’s environmental pledge, we are committed to working with local supply chains. This includes using locally produced materials in our design schemes. Britain has such as wealth of wonderful natural products from Lakeland slate to hand woven textiles, APM love sourcing natural materials that have a connection to that building or area. Through using local suppliers, we reduce carbon emissions from transport logistics and give longevity to specialist trades boosting local communities.

There truly is no greater designer than nature, APM Design are keen to acknowledge that and ensure that all of our design schemes take inspiration from nature. In doing so we create better spaces for people to live, work and visit, whilst also contributing towards a more sustainable built environment.

Please get in touch if you are planning a project and nature is an important consideration to you.

February 9, 2023

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